mediachance Dynamic Auto
Auto-Painter (DAP) is a fun to use software to
automatically turn a photo or a 3D rendering into great looking
painting inspired by some of the most famous real world artists.
Auto-Painter can work also as a great feedback tool to
improve your photography skills by simplifying the image to its
core visual values.
برنامج فريد من نوعه يقوم بتحويل الصور الى رسومات
بالفرشاة ذات جودة عالية غير موجودة باى برنامج اخر باستخدام تقنيات محاكاة الرسم لاشهر الفنانين العالميين
وعلى عكس اى برنامج اخر لا يقوم
البرنامج بتغيير الصورة نفسها ويستخدم ببساطة الصورة الاصلية ويحولها الى تحفه فنيه حقيقية
برنامج رائع يستحق التجربة من زوار
(مرام) والتجربة خير برهان
Dynamic Auto-Painter works differently from normal effects. Instead of changing
the pixels of the photo itself, DAP uses the input image only as a guide to paint
the scene with many different brushes and guided by real-world artists inspired
Looks like painting even from a distance
One thing that puts DAP2 above others is that the output images will look like a
painting even in small size (for example resized on web or looking from a
distance when printed). This is normally a common deal-breaker with any
automatic filters which when resized down will start look back like a processed
Looks like painting up-close
Looking at details you may think we are showing you a real canvas. An in some
sense it is actually true. There is an option in the software called Real Canvas
that simulates the way a real canvas or artistic paper interact with a paint.
There is enough details even for a largest print.NEWMost recent additions: Version 2.54
* Better way of Distributing and Installing User templates (Menu tools:
Archive/Install Template
More features in the version 2.5
* Flashback Feature
When switched on a timeline will appear that allows you to roll the painting back
and forward in time during painting
* Mix Styles
A pause (right click or on toolbar) will now allow changing previously locked
properties - like Style preset, Palette or dynamic Settings. Then just press the
pause (or Right click) again to continue with the new style. You can combine this
with the flashback feature to return in time and perhaps try another style.
* Plug-ins: User will be able now add various additional exciting plug-ins
* New type of styles with crosshatching. It is used also for other special effects
(like woodcarving or grunge)size : 57 MB
Licence : Share ware "Keygen included"Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
Windows Version
* Microsoft® Windows® 7, Vista or XP (32-bit or 64-bit editions)
* 1 GHz processor or better
* 2 GB of RAM
* 1 GB of free disk space
* Minimum screen resolution: 1024 x 768 (highly recommended higher resolution)SETUPابدأ التسطيب من أيقونة التسطيب
واضغط نكست حتى تنتهى
ثم افتح البرنامج وسيطلب منك التسجيل
شغل الكيجين وانسخ الرقم منه
ثم الصقه فى مكان التسجيل ثم اضغط أوكى وستأتيك رسالة بإتمام التفعيل
تابع الصورإثبات الإصدار
واجهة البرنامج وبها إحدى الصور
التى قمت بإدراجها وتحويلها إلى رسم بالفرشاةالصورة بعد إتمام التحويل إلى رسم بالفرشاة
فى الإطار الصورة الأصليةGalleryالسريال مرفق مع البرنامجUpfileتحميل موفق إن شاء الله